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Additional Resources

Implementation of the Dignity for ALL Students Act should begin with the development of policies and procedures to create a school environment that is free from harassment, bullying, and discrimination.


The following resources are presented to provide new ideas to support schoolwide climate initiatives, relationship building activities, and actions to empower adult & student bystanders.


Please note: the New York state definitions for bullying, harassment, and discrimination included in the Dignity Act are different from many definitions provided by national organizations. Please consider the NYS definitions as you review these resources and information.

Bullying Prevention Resources


Developing a Positive School Climate to Prevent Cyberbullying from the Cyberbullying Research Center

Here's what you can do to improve your climate and not only enhance student achievement, success, and productivity, but also teach youth to be safe, smart, honest, and responsible while using technology.


Top Ten Tips for Educators to Prevent Cyberbullying from the Cyberbullying Research Center

There are a number of steps educators can take to prevent cyberbullying. Here are a few examples.


Tool for Developing School and Classroom Norms from CASEL

Schoolwide norms are a set of agreed-upon expectations of how all students and staff will behave and interact to contribute to a positive school climate. Here are some suggested approaches for collaboratively developing schoolwide norms:


Bullying Prevention Self-Assessment from the Center on PBIS

Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support
(Ross & Horner, 2010)


Preventing Bullying, Guidelines for Administrators and Crisis Teams from NASP

Recognizing the negative, long-lasting, and potentially severe effects of bullying, states have enacted laws and model policies to prevent and intervene with bullying. 


Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies from NASP

Cyberbullying victimization can lead to harmful mental health outcomes ranging from stress to suicidal ideation. Adults can help by taking preventive action against cyberbullying and intervening when it occurs.


A Framework for Schoolwide Bullying Prevention and Safety from NASP

Creating safe and supportive schools that are free from bullying, discrimination, harassment, aggression, violence, and abuse is essential to this mission. 


Critical Practices for Anti-Bias Education from Learning for Justice

Our free educational resources—articles, guides, lessons, films, webinars, frameworks and more—help foster shared learning and reflection for educators, young people, caregivers and all community members. 


Untying the Nots to Bullying Prevention from Jim Dillon

Flip your school’s bullying strategy by emphasizing responsibility and

empowering bystanders.

Cyberbullying: Identification, Prevention, and Response 2024 Edition from the Cyberbullying Research Center

This detailed guide is designed to equip educators, parents, and other youth-serving adults to spot cyberbullying, respond to it appropriately and meaningfully, and to prevent its future occurrence.

Bullying Response Resources


Top 10 Tips for Teens to Respond from the Cyberbullying Research Center

Here are a few ideas for what to do when you are being cyberbullied.


Mini Lesson: Youth Speak, Educators Listen

In this mini-lesson, you will explore insights from young people about their experiences with bias and what educators can do to help. Then, you will reflect on your school community and develop an action plan for addressing identity-based bullying.


Ways for Students to Respond to Bullying from ADL

If you’ve experienced bullying, you’re not alone. There are people who can help and actions you can take to make things better. 


What Adults Can do to Help from PACER

As an adult, you are an important catalyst in guiding kids through addressing and preventing bullying. When young people experience bullying, they often feel like there’s nothing that can be done to stop it. Whether you’re a parent, educator, or concerned adult, there are ways you can help. 


What do you say to that’s so gay from Welcoming Schools

It doesn’t matter if it is a first grader who might not know what the word “gay” means, a sixth grader trying to sound cool, or a tenth grader “teasing” a friend. All of these scenarios have the potential of creating an unsafe classroom or school environment and must be addressed. 


Bullying and LGBT Youth from Mental Health America

While trying to deal with all the challenges of being a teenager, lesbian/gay / bisexual/ transgender (LGBT) teens also have to deal with harassment, threats and violence directed at them on a daily basis. 


Responding to Hate at School from Learning for Justice

Our free educational resources—articles, guides, lessons, films, webinars, frameworks and more—help foster shared learning and reflection for educators, young people, caregivers and all community members. 


Responding to Bias Incidents from ADL

Educators and school administrators play vital roles in creating an environment where all students can learn and thrive. Cultivating an equitable and inclusive school community requires ensuring that 

historically marginalized students are welcome and safe.


Special Needs Youth and Bullying from the Alberti Center

Youth with special needs include individuals with physical, developmental, emotional, and sensory disabilities, including but is not limited to individuals with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, epilepsy, and more


Walk a Mile in Their Shoes: Bullying and the Child with Special Needs from Ability Path

The journey addressing the issue of bullying and children with special needs began when identified the need to provide information to parents who all too often struggle to find ways to help their child with bullying.


How Educators Can Respond to Bullying, a short video from StopBullying.Gov

Educators can help stop bullying on the spot by learning the best ways to respond when bullying happens in schools.


Prevention and Response Videos for Educators and Students from Stop Bullying.Gov

What to do if You Experience Cyberbullying

For More Information

Stop Bullying.Gov


Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse and Prevention,%2C%20parents%2C%20students%20and%20society.


Cyberbullying Research Center


PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center


For resources to support implementation of the Dignity for ALL Students Act:


For resources to support a positive school climate:


14 Corporate Woods Boulevard - Suite 102

Albany, NY 12211

Phone: 844.897.9567
Fax: 518.462.1728


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The NYS Center for School Safety is a contracted technical assistance center of the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and is operated by Measurement Incorporated.

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