
School climate is..."the way school culture affects a child's sense of safety and acceptance, and consequently is a critical determinant of their ability to focus on the task of learning."
Dessel, A. (2010) Prejudice in schools: promotion of an inclusive culture and climate. Education and Urban Society, 42(4), 407-429.
Research suggests that:
The quality of the school climate may be the single most predictive factor in any school's capacity to promote student achievement;
If we want achievement gains, we need to begin by improving the school climate.
Shindler, J., Jones, A.D., Taylor, C., Cardenia, H. (2016). The school climate-student achievement connection: If we want achievement gains, we need to begin by improving the climate. Journal of School Administration Research and Development 1(1), 9 - 16.

New York State’s Plan to Promote School Climate
What is School Climate?
New York State's Plan to Promote School Climate
To promote, measure and improve school climate, schools and school districts take the following steps:
Adopt a school climate framework (e.g., Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Restorative Practices, Trauma-Sensitive Practices);
Establish a Community Engagement Team;
Administer the USDE School Climate Surveys to students, parents, and school personnel:
Analyze Survey Results and other pertinent data (e.g., chronic absenteeism data, school violence index, suspension data) with the Community Engagement Team: and
Create and Action Plan with the Community Engagement Team to address areas of need.
Click on the image below to view a video "Promoting Healthy School Climates" from the Meeting of the Board of Regents November 13, 2017
Promoting Healthy and Positive School Climate 2017 – 2018 Pilot Kickoff
December 7, 2017
Click on the image below to view the "Promoting Healthy and Positive School Climates" PowerPoint from December 7, 2017
Next steps for pilot participants…
Districts/Schools participating in the pilot should review the materials from USDE, discuss internally and ask SED questions
Districts/Schools may choose to contact their Regional Information Center (RIC) for assistance with Survey Implementation
Please submit contact info for your district/charter survey coordinator to NYSED via an email to
Future webinar/meeting schedule:
Technical Implementation for Survey Administrators: January 18, 2018 @11:00 am
Survey Administration for Survey Coordinators: January 25, 2018 @ 11:00 am
Interpreting Survey Results and other data: TBD (late spring)
Climate Survey Technical Implementation for Survey Administrators - January 25, 2018
What's Next?
Districts/Schools participating in the pilot should review the materials fro USDE, and NYS Center for School Safety.
Districts/Schools may opt to work with their Regional Information Center (RIC) for assistance with Survey Implementation.
​Please submit contact info for your district/charter survey coordinator to NYSED
Future webinar/meeting schedule:
Interpreting Survey Results and other data: TBD (later spring)​
​Information on Benchmarked Scale Scores can be found at:
Click on the image below to view the "Climate Survey Technical Implementation for Survey Administrators" PowerPoint from January 25, 2018.
The U.S. Department of Education School Climate Surveys
About the ED School Climate Surveys
The U.S. Department of Education developed the ED School Climate Surveys for middle and high school students, instructional staff, non-instructional staff, and parents/guardians.
Click on the image below to learn more about the ED School Climate surveys.
What resources does the U.S. Department of Education provide?
The U.S. Department of Education has developed the School Climate Improvement Resource Package to help schools and districts interested in improving school climate.
What does the U.S. Department of Education School Climate measure?
The EDSCLS measures a total of 13 school climate subtopics across 3 domains in each of its surveys.
Cultural and linguistic competence
School participation
Emotional safety
Physical safety
Substance abuse
Emergency readiness/
Physical environment
Instructional environment
Physical health
Mental health
How can we preview the climate surveys?
The U.S. Department of Education School Climate Surveys can be downloaded for preview:
Additional Resources
HRSA Newsletter
For other information and resources please visit:
Sample Letter to Parents
For more information, please visit our School Climate page.
Do you have questions or comments?