School Safety and the Educational Climate (SSEC)
School Safety and the Educational Climate (SSEC)
Beginning in the 2017-18 school year, each school district is required to submit an SSEC Summary Data Collection Form.
(Formerly Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting – VADIR and Dignity for All Students Act – Dignity Act)
Incident Reporting
School Safety and the Educational Climate (SSEC) Summary Data Collection Form
All public schools, boards of cooperative educational services, charter schools, and county vocational education and extension boards are required to document incidents occurring on school property, including incidents occurring in, or on, a school bus (as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law §142), and at school functions. Each year, charter school leaders are required to report data from each charter school, and school district/BOCES superintendents are required to submit data on a district form and for each school in the district, to SED.
The SSEC Summary Data Collection Form contains data for the current school year and summer months (July 1 through June 30), including the summer school session. The SSEC Summary Data Collection Form also includes information (such as the number of incidents, offenders, and targets/victims by type of incident) collected in individual incident reports (IIR), as well as other information relating to school safety and the educational climate. Each incident reported on a district or school form should have been investigated to determine/verify the facts and to identify the appropriate category for reporting.
SSEC Materials and Forms
Instructions for SSEC Reporting System
(Effective 7/1/21)
Glossary of Terms used in the (SSEC)
View and download the glossary
(Effective 7/1/21)
Questions and Answers
Regarding Reporting of School Safety and Educational Climate (SSEC) Data
Updated June 19, 2018
or visit the NYSED website here
Calculating the School Violence Index (SVI)
Read more about how to establish a school violence index as a comparative measure of the level of school violence in a school.
Effective July 1, 2021, for the 2021-22 school year, Commissioner’s Regulation 100.2 (gg) School Safety and Educational Climate (SSEC) incident categories and definitions and the School Violence Index (SVI) used to determine Persistently Dangerous (PD) schools have been revised.
**These documents are to be used starting with the 2021-22 School Year SSEC data collection:
Commissioner’s Regulation Article 8 CRR-NY 100.2 (gg) Revised School Safety and Educational Climate (SSEC)
(Effective 7/1/21)